Today is World Environmental Health Day
#Thursday Thought #Think About It
“Climate change is increasing risks to human health and to health systems that seek to protect the safety and well-being of populations. The largest health risks will be in those communities and populations currently impacted on by climate related diseases. “ according to the International Federation of Environmental Health.
So how does healthcare contribute? Healthcare is a major contributor to climate. In fact, the global health care sector would be the 5th largest greenhouse gas emitter on the planet, if measured as a country. Health Care Without Harm cites this and more insight on opportunities as an industry to mitigate in its in-depth Healthcare Climate Foot Print Report.
“We believe that. given the mission of healthcare to ‘first do no harm, the healthcare industry has a mission – related responsibility to address its own environmental footprint as well as be leaders in supporting a sustainable economy and healthy communities.”
How does climate smart design, procurement and EPP programs provide solutions? On is to have sustainability built into products by replacing plastic with upcycled organic materials, like the plant-based products we offer. Read more here on how
this related to climate change and environments.
In two weeks HCWH Asia will host the 5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference, Oct 8-10, 2019 “ Towards a Sustainable Climate-Resilient Asian Healthcare” Founder Rob Chase will speak on, “Using Smart Sustainable Design in Products to Eliminate Plastic Pollution and Environmental Burden; how Climate Smart Procurement and EPP Programs Can Have Measurable and Meaningful Impact. ”
“We will join hundreds of medical professionals, hospitals, health systems, and environmental justice advocates from across the healthcare ecosystem. ‘, said Chase, who added, “ We are eager to share ideas and to learn from all the experts and influencers on how together we can and need to promote sustainability and mitigate environmental impacts in healthcare.” Care Without Harm (HCWH) is an international NGO that seeks to transform the health sector worldwide so that it becomes ecologically sustainable and a leading advocate for environmental health and justice.